Image Gallery: The real value of Chinese Martial Arts and Culture
The spiritual value of what is illustrated in these galleries can easily be overlooked and undervalued. It may be a bunch of artists and martial artists performing. However, if you place them in the context of what is happening in the world today, the cultural values found in Chinese martial arts is visible. Here you have highly trained martial artists from different lineages and cultural backgrounds collaborating with each other in the spirit of mutual respect, martial virtue, and unity. Relationships grounded in respect, join together to form a community that is founded in unity. In this manner Chinese Martial Arts serves its transcendent purpose of nurturing relationships and protecting life. We need more of this in the world today.
Scroll down for more events. To find out more about upcoming events see the Schedule page and the Events page.
Chinese New Year's Performances
January 25-26, 2020
30th Anniversary New York Buddhist Church Puzhao Temple
October 11, 2019
The Lion, Liz, and the Wardrobe. The 2019 Brooklyn Lion Dance Adventure begins. Von drove back from Virginia with bronchitis to make the event. Thank you Von.
Allies- with David Li and Sifu Lin- xie xie!
The Young Masters of NY Lotus Light Association at the 3rd Annual Brooklyn Dragon and Lion Dance Festival.
The co-hosts and participating groups this year:
1 | Asian United and Cultural Exchange Council Inc | 美國亞裔文化交流總會 |
2 | Chinese FreeMasons Athletic Club | 紐約洪青體育會 |
3 | Tresa Man Jun Mo Rising Arts | 文翠霞振武藝昇協會 |
4 | Eastern Cultural Exchange Association | 東方文化交流協會 |
5 | Hui’s Lion Dance Team of NY Cantonese American Center | 廣東美國僑社許氏精武隊 |
6 | Tai Shan Du Hu Association of America | 美國都斛同鄉總會 |
7 | NYHSK Lion Dance Team | 紐約鴻勝蔡李佛醒狮队 |
8 | NYFK Sport Association | 紐約發強體育會. |
9 | NY Lotus Light Association Inc. | 紐約靈應教育中心醒狮队 |
10 | Xin Hui Choy Lee Fut Founder Association | 新會蔡李佛始祖拳會美國分會醒狮队 |
11 | Yee’s Hung Ga International Kung Fu Association | 國際余志偉洪拳國術總館 |
12 | NY Chinatown Jow Ga Kung Fu Association | 紐約華埠周家功夫協會 |
13 | The Fire Mountain Martial Arts School | 神行門派功夫 |
14 | Kevin Chen-USA Tai Chi Academy | 陳式太極拳學社 |
15 | New York Chinese Qipao Association, Inc. | 紐約中國旗袍會 |
16 | Amazing Grace Preformance Group | 盛恩歌舞团, |
17 | Jin Xiu Ming XinYi Tai Chi Association | 金秀明心意太极会 |
18 | Yue Hai Taiji of New York | 紐約粵海太極隊 |
19 | Buddhist Association of New York | 纽约佛教會,普照寺 |
20 | Global Chinese Alliance | 全球華人聯盟 |
21 | Brooklyn On Fun Association of USA | 青松太極學會 |
22 | The Salvation Army Bensonhurst Corps | 救世軍華人堂長老者中心 |
23 | New York Dancing & Song | 紐約歌舞團 |
24 | American Guangdong Community Association, Inc. | 美國廣東僑社聯合中心 |
25 | Aiping Taichi Center Connecticut |
What an honor for us to be invited back to The Third Annual International Dragon and Lion Festival. This event marks our one year anniversary to our entrance into the incredible and dynamic Chinese community in NYC and beyond. We are proud to stand for Master Tian's lineage among our new friends.
All participating schools in the 1st Dragon & Lion Dance Hudson River Festival
The New York Lotus Lights Association's Dragon
The New York Lotus Lights Association's Dragon
The Fire Mountain School - Wu Chan Taiji Dao
The Fire Mountain School - Taiji Dao