The Fire Mountain School
Connecting you with the energy you need for the Success you Seek.
Offering new choices is Chinese Martial Arts, Stress Management, Self Defense, and Catalyzing change.
Do you value Your Energy? as you do on your cellphone?
Do you manage your energy as you manage your cellphone Energy?
Like your phone, when your Energy is Low, you switch into conservation mode and begin limiting functions. Unlike your phone, when you run out of energy you become demanding. When your energy is abundant, You flow naturally with and through Change.
The status quo has little energy to devote to changing. It has become a prison of its own making. It is adaptation without evolution. Make the status quo your call to action and keep restoring, defending and extending your energy until there is abundant energy to succeed.
Whatever your goal, need, problem or purpose, you will not only need a plan of action, you will need a sufficient, renewable supply of energy to fuel the plan long enough to realize your success. The energy will need to be renewable and accessible for you and your team. You will need to open your mind and think about you and your allies as an energy system made up of energy systems. Each with their own energy demand that must be met in order to advance.
Gaining energy requires action and a willingness to explore and act beyond the status quo. The status quo is what stands between you and your goal. It is the non-moving blocked energy that resists movement or change. It is a natural part of any initiative to change. You must inspire what is unchanging to move. At its worst, it can do little else but circle back on itself as it fades. At best, it will absorb your energy and resist your efforts, impeding your efforts and increasing your risk of failure. Generally speaking, if it hasn't changed, or you're not evolving, it's your status quo, and it's costing you time and energy. It is a valuable investment of time and energy to learn how to inspire movement without exhausting energy.
"Make your status quo your call to action and you will never be stopped by good enough." - Shifu Ed
If energy is the key to success, why aren't more people shifting their efforts to managing energy?
Few people have been taught to pragmatically value energy. Even though people are suffering from chronically low A.E.Q. few people were taught to observe the effects of energy, let alone build the energy they need to be dynamically adaptable at will. Every action requires ENERGY. Change requires more energy than is available in the current system state. A lot. Again, and again, each time. (Ever boil a port of water with a candle flame?) Which means not only do you need energy, you need to repeatedly and efficiently Restore Energy Flow. The energy cost to move, build, explore, learn, lead, discover, and transform is high. Much higher than stagnation.
Defending Energy: Energy must be protected from conditions that would extinguish it. Doubt, discouragement, proponents of not changing, people who seek to harm rather than grow and evolve. Energy must move beyond these wherever possible and be extended into where change is needed or desired.
Self Defense: More than blocks and kicks, an effective self defense must counter the "Right to Harm with Impunity"—the ideology that drives ALL the harm that occurs on the planet. Harm cannot effectively balance counter-harm. The response must be grounded in Respect, or it will feed the cycle.
Extending Energy: Once there is abundant energy that can be effectively guarded in adversity and conflict, it can be extended to catalyze energy in low energy areas and inspire change. Sometimes you can extend directly into a system, other times you must simply radiate it into a system.
Original and Unique
- We are the first school of the Shen Shing style of Chinese Martial Arts in the United States. We train power to build energy to build more power and energy to have an abundance to enjoy and protect life.
- We are the first to offer Next Gen Self Defense©, a holistic approach to balancing the "The Right to Harm with Impunity" with the "Responsibility to Respect Unconditionally."
- We are the origin of the Resilient Stress Management System© with A.E.Q. Energy©.