Category: all respect

Improving balance and Increasing power with -Root-

8 Points of Root—A new perspective If you have ever trained Chinese Martial Arts, then you are familiar with Stance training—Horse Stance, Forward stance, Nail Stance, Crane Stance, Empty Stance, Dragon Stance, Snake Stance—to name a few. To gracefully accomplish these while using them to express power requires Root. Let's go beyond Theory. Try This...

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Women have the Right to Choose

My wife, Inetta and I happened to run into Warrington while walking in Tribeca Labor Day weekend. I asked Warrington what he was up to, and he excitedly told me about this film he was producing. A protest movie against the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Inspired by Warrington’s vision, I took a chance and offered to help, Warrington said yes. He called our chance meeting—destiny.

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With Liberty and Justice for All

The best way to prove that a stick is crooked is to set a straight one beside it. No words need to be spoken.

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Americans Harming Americans—The Tale of 4 Americas

Me the People vs We the people Harm vs Respect is the battlefield, frontline, strategy, and weaponry of the conflict that is engulfing the political discourse, human relations, and that is shaping policy and business in the US. We have reached a point where proponents of respect must assert clear limits to harm if we are to live in a just and equitable society. The harm is getting worse, according to a recent New York Times article titled “Domestic Terrorism” by David Leonhardt. The article cites a recent YouGov poll that asked “...if it could ever be justified for their political party to use violence to advance its goals.” Roughly 16% answered that it could be “somewhat” justified. Nearly double what it was[...]

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Energy Before Effort

A blog by Shifu Ed D'Urso

East meets west in an original synthesis of ancient knowledge translated to current times and refocused to effectively manage stress by learning to manage the energy necessary to adapt to changes.

The purpose of our blog is to:
Clarify              Educate
Advocate         Empower

This blog explores the issues, as well as tells the stories of the Energy Activists involved in this initiative.

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