The destructive cycle of harm is crippling us. This cannot be allowed to function as our status quo. I believe we can do better. It is time for us to respectfully begin setting clear limits on the harm in the world. Change begins with awareness, is followed by acceptance, and manifested through conscientious action.

Here is a list of 4 Next Gen Self Defense principles to be aware of when making important decisions involving other persons:
1) Please, be aware—If someone does not show genuine remorse when they have hurt someone, either intentionally or accidentally, they are a dangerous. Please do not empower them to take care of things that matter to you. They can and will harm you when it suits their need.
2) If someone justifies or rationalizes harming someone and it is not an observable life threatening situation, then they too are dangerous. Do not empower them with authority over things that matter to you. They will harm you when they see fit.
3) Every act of harm has the "right to harm with impunity" at its core. All the logic of the person who inflicts harm attempt to support this right. All their responses serve to defend this right. They will not be held accountable.
4) No one has the right to harm. We have a responsibility to respect unconditionally.
This is the heart of any respectful relationship. The absence of this principle makes self defense necessary.